Application Procedure
If you are:
- a high school student,
- interested in science, technology, engineering, and math,
- with at least a 2.75 GPA, and
- considering attending college
To apply you MUST complete the following steps:
- Complete the Online application.
- In the online application, complete a 2000-character (approx. 250 words) personal statement indicating career goals and describing why you wish to participate in this program. You will be able to type directly in a box or cut and paste from a word processor.
- In the same application, provide the name and e-mail addresses of two professors at your high school. We will directly send them a request for a recommendation letter via a personalized link. Please ask the professors to agree to make sure you get to give a presentation about your REHSS experience at your high school).
- Send a copy of your current high school transcript by:
- Get a copy of your transcript from your high school. We won't accept screenshots or "save as" transcripts obtained from a website.
- Scan the transcript and email it to Leigh Townsend at the email address below.
Staci Kramer
LA-SiGMA REHSS Program Office
Either by e-mail:
sckramer -at- lsu.edu, e-mail subject: REHSS Applications,
or mail:
340 E. Parker Blvd.
LSU CCT Digital Media Center
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Center for Computation & Technology
or fax:
Fax: (225) 578-5362, Attn. Staci Kramer
To be considered as an applicant, you need to submit all the required documents by application deadline of March 1, 2015.
For questions or concerns regarding these requirements, please don't hesitate to contact Staci Kramer at sckramer -at- lsu.edu, or at (225) 578-5381.
Dates for 2015 REHSS Program: Louisiana State University: May 25 - July 3.
Students who meet the above requirements and complete the entire application process will be considered for selection. Selection for the REHSS will be made by faculty and research staff of LA-SiGMA.
Successful applications will receive a competitive stipend and on campus housing. Stipends will be $1800.00 for the six-week period. The award will also pay up to $400 for travel expenses. Housing will be in university apartments.