Postdoc Mentoring Links
Faculty Mentoring Links
The Awesomest 7-Year Postdoc or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tenure-Track Faculty Life by Radhika Nagpal
General Mentoring
The following presentation on mentoring by Dr. Jenna Carpenter and Dr. Donna J. Dean is part of the Association of Women in Science (AWIS) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=We_uy-P3JRs.
Dr. Jenna Carpenter is LA Tech's Office for Women in Science and Engineering (OWISE) faculty sponsor and one of LA-SiGMA's Diversity Advisors. OWISE has a goal of creating a culture of success for women in engineering and science. The following presentation was to graduate students and faculty as part of LA Tech's OWISE Program on "Overcoming Bias": http://coes.latech.edu/assets/owise/overcoming_bias.pdf
The Online Mentoring Manual by Institute for Broadening Participation contributors. Mentoring relationships have been shown to positively impact student success and retention. Use IBP’s Online Mentoring Manual to increase your basic understanding of the role of mentoring or find tips on areas of responsibility such as: creating a mentoring environment, calibrating your mentoring to meet mentee needs, balancing challenge and support, virtual mentoring, and maintaining a long term relationship with your mentee. Also, recommend the manual to your students and help them take responsibility for becoming better mentees and future mentors! Contributors to the manual include PAESMEM awardees, industry leaders, and experienced educators who have made the study and practice of mentoring an integral part of their professional lives. IBP moderates an ongoing cycle of peer discussion and improvement to the manual and welcomes ongoing contribution of feedback and content via a link on the main page of the manual.
General Mentoring - Diversity
The http://www.understandingprejudice.org/ website is maintained by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, which is the largest international organization of behavioral scientists in the field. The demonstrations are informative, are based on empirical work, and the site was funded by NSF.
Why diversity matters to all of us. We recommend a video of Scott Page from the University of Michigan and author of the book "The Difference": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt9UeknKwZw. In this 90-min video, he explains why diversity is the key to creativity and innovation (both of which are important in research). He gets the message across that diversity matters to everyone.
What are the issues that impede the success of minorities, and what are some strategies that can be used to address them. We recommend
- TEDx 12-min. talk by Jenna Carpenter from LA Tech, focused on why it matters that we attract more women to STEM, as well as what some of the issues are: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pw_9t82qD60
- A free, downloadable book entitled "Why So Few?" by AAUW and available here: http://www.aauw.org/resource/why-so-few-women-in-science-technology-engineering-and-mathematics/ . This book summarizes many of the key issues, citing the appropriate research literature, in language that anyone can understand. It also has some suggestions at the end of each chapter on things that everyone can do to address these issues surrounding the success of women in STEM fields.
Recruiting Diverse Faculty
Here are some resources about how to avoid unintentional bias on faculty recruitment and how to increase the number of minority applications to faculty positions in STEM:
- Evaluating Job Applications and Letters of Recommendation, Diana I. Lurie, The University of Montana, PArtnership for Comprehensive Equity (PACE) (PDF)
- 2010 The University of Oklahoma, Best Practices for Faculty Search Committees, Recruiting for Excellence and Diversity Handbook (PDF)
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Women in Science & Engineering System Transformation (WISEST) Faculty Search Toolkit (PDF)
- NSF ADVANCE, University of Rhode Island Faculty Recruitment Handbook, A Research-Based Guide for Active Diversity Recruitment Practices (PDF)
- University of Illinois at Chicago, Succceed Committee, Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science Faculty Search Committee Workshop (PDF)