LA-SiGMA RET Participants Chosen to Present RET Work at Math/Science Teachers' Conference Next Month
Three participants from the 2014 LA-SiGMA RET Program have been chosen as lead presenters at the upcoming Joint Conference for the Louisiana Association of Teachers of Math/Louisiana Science Teachers Association (LATM/LSTA). Shawn Liner, from Parkview Baptist School in Baton Rouge, La., Brad Burkman, from the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts, and Dr. Bruce Niemi, from the Tulsa Community College in Broken Arrow, Ok., were selected to lead sessions during the Conference, which is scheduled for October 20-22, 2014, in Shreveport, La.

During the Conference, Shawn will lead a session entitled, "Fun, Funded Summer Program: Create your own eBook." He will share his experiences creating the eBook on superconductivity that he produced as a LA-SiGMA RET participant.

Brad will lead a session called, "Fraction Addition Under the Common Core." During this session, he will address skills that students need to work with fractions under the Common Core curriculum. As an RET participant each summer from 2011-2014, Brad used GPU accelerators and MIC co-processors to accelerate code for finding "ideal" sets of fraction-addition exercises, providing students the best-balanced practice of essential skills in the fewest number of exercises.

Bruce will speak to conference attendees about the topic "History for Engineers." During this session, he will draw on his 15+ years of teaching experience to provide an outline of the history of technology curriculum, making it relevant to a STEM student.
Congratulations to Shawn, Brad and Bruce on this accomplishment!