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Nano Days at Highland Road Observatory, March 26, 2011, and Nano Days at Louisiana Arts and Science Museum, April 2, 2011

LA-SiGMA faculty and graduate students from Louisiana State University participated in the Baton Rouge area's NanoDays events. NanoDays is a nationwide festival celebrating the science of ultra small matter. LA-SiGMA faculty members gave lectures and graduate students led demonstrations to twenty visitors at the Observatory and 288 guests at the Louisiana Arts and Science Museum.

Graduate students demonstrate Nanoscience to visitors.

LA-SiGMA faculty member Dr. Jayne Garno speaks about Nano Science at the Observatory.

Museum guests view and manipulate the Nanotube model set up in the museum lobby.

A museum guest measures her height in Nano Meters; this was one of the activities available to
demonstrate how small Nano materials really are.