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Performance Measures & Objectives

We have defined numerous metrics for LI success, including hiring of researchers, starting statewide interdisciplinary research projects and obtaining national funding, developing corporate partnership programs and companies, ensuring interdisciplinary and multi-institutional collaboration, and creating new education programs. The LI management will closely monitor these measures, and take action as needed to ensure they are met or exceeded.

Objective Metric Success Criteria
LONI Fellows
Full-time faculty hires 2 per institution 6 by EO Y2; 12 (total) by EO Y3. Nucleation of 6 new multi-institutional research groups by Y3.
Scientific CoordinatorPerson hired1 hire, fall Y1; new hire in 6 months if vacant
LI graduate studentsGraduate students funded by LI6 in each 2 year period; 18 students total over life of project
LI Computational ScientistsStaff hired6 hired by fall Y1; new staff hired in 6 months if position(s) becomes vacant
LI Growth of LONI to national statusReceive federal funding for additional staff12 staff funded from federal sources by EOY5
Objective Metric Success Criteria
LONI Computational ScientistsLI projects underway12 new projects underway by EOY1; 18 new projects per year thereafter; at least 80 total; 25% projects permitted to be continued for new advances; 25% corporate
State faculty, staff, and student trained and using LONI infrastructureNumber of applications for time, projects using compute, data, network, and software servicesAll LI projects use LONI, 400 active users from State, 12 from each LI members, medical centers and community college system
National proposalsLI-funded faculty-led national agency proposals, submitted, funded 50% of LI projects lead to funding from outside the State (e.g., NSF, DOE, NIH) or industrial funding in Y2 and subsequent years; 2 proposals submitted per year, per LI Fellow, starting in Y2, 96 total, 10 new projects funded total
Research computing project resourcesSuccessful computational infrastructure/cycle applications50% of projects lead to nationally-judged computational infrastructure awards in Y2 and subsequent years
Research publicityInvited presentations and lectures outside LAEach project leads to 2 per year starting in Y2; 160 total
Scientific & Engineering ResultsPeer-reviewed conference and journal publications that acknowledge LI support3 per LONI Fellow per year; 1 per Associated Faculty per year; over 150 total
National Computing CenterLI personnel successful1 national federally-funded computing facility, funded with at least $70M
LI research impactNew non-LI-funded faculty working with LI6 per year starting in Y2
Economic Development
Objective Metric Success Criteria
Student internships with companies Number of placements 2 students place each year; 20 total (not all will be LI-funded)
Pilot program with Council on Competitiveness Program established 15 students at community college trained in CSs each year, 30 total placed in companies, 10 enter universities for continued study in CSs
Industrial partnershipsPartnerships in projects with industrial partner (any company who has joint project with LONI)25% of total projects; 20 partners in 5 years
Industry grantsSponsored research from companies 25 by Y5 across all sites
Centers of Excellence (UIRCs)Number formed with multi-year duration 1 by EOY3, 3 by EOY4, 5 by EOY5, all industry-funded with at least 1 industry staff member on-site (across all LI sites)
Companies formedNumber of new companies1 by EOY3, 3 by EOY4, 6 by EOY5
Objective Metric Success Criteria
Between computational scientists and biologists, materialsJoint papers and proposals2 interdisciplinary papers (including preprints from a LI preprint series) per group per year; 1 at interface between bio, materials, computation per group per year; 50% of proposals have 2 of 3 disciplines
Inter-universityNumber of joint papers, proposals2 papers, 1 proposal (including preprints from a LI preprint series) per group per year
Inter-universityNew joint projects30 new multi-university projects proposed to SC per year
NationalVisits to national labs 3 students, 2 staff, and 6 faculty with visits to national labs per year, 2-3 each summer
Education & Training
Objective Metric Success Criteria
Statewide educationHD video courses offered4 courses per year with students from 4 universities, and 20 total students per course receiving credit.
Statewide trainingNumber of training workshops, people trainedInitially 2 HPC & CSs workshops offered per year, increasing to 4 by Y5; at least 50 people trained each year, 400 total
High school educationSummer camps 1 per year for LI members
High school coursesTeachers offer LI-related material in courses10 new per year starting in Y2